Simpex news

CDS is now LIVE

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On 1st October, HMRC’s Customs Declaration Service (CDS) replaced the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system.


HMRC promises that CDS it is a resilient, reliable, and adaptable IT platform.

Import declarations have now stopped on CHIEF however exports will continue until their last day on 31st March 2023 where CHIEF will officially close down.

This means that if you don’t have a customs agent nominated to make your declarations on CDS, or if you’re not able to make them yourself, you won’t be able to import your goods.

How can we help?

Simpex Express Limited are CDS-ready, as well as our sister company Samphire Cargo Limited who were making CDS declarations long before the switch.

Be prepared – What do you need to do?

  • CDS will be accessed by Traders via a Government Gateway Account. Register for a Government Gateway account.
  • Subscribe to the Customs Declaration Service
  • Once completed, you will need to authorise your broker/forwarder. For Simpex use GB975690172000 or Samphire use GB770820629000.

Note: New data requirements in CDS means CPCs (Customs Procedure Codes) will change, and some Commodity Codes will require additional information.

Please contact a member of our team should you need any assistance or have any questions.